Climaveneta > Commercial and industrial chillers
i-FX-W (1+i) 1402 – 4652
High efficiency water cooled chiller Cooling capacity 488 – 1637 kW

Single circuit indoor unit for the production of chilled water, with fixed speed and variable speed (Inverter Driven) screw compressors optimized for R134a, electronic expansion valve, high performing shell and tube condenser and shell and tube flooded evaporator, both designed and produced by Climaveneta. These technological solutions enhance the EER values over 5,7 at Eurovent standard conditions. The resulting unit is extremely compact, thanks to the strategic layout, designed without base, frame and panels.
- CA – High energy efficiency units
Unit with high efficiency and reduced energy consumption, thanks to the inverter technology, contributing to lower operating costs and therefore achieving a quick return on investment. - FLEXIBILITY
Unit featured by remarkable application flexibility thanks to the inverter tecnology which allows to obtain, taking in consideration the cooling capacity needed, the best result about costs/performances and maximum efficiency. - TOTAL VERSATILITY
Unit designed gathering in a single circuit a compressor with step regulation and one working with inverter, in order to guarantee the best answer to plant necessities both at full and at part loads. - MAXIMUM COMPACTNESS
Maximum compactness to achieve a very high flexibility in the design process and installation operations, offering a premium solution in case of reduced clearances or when retrofitting existing installations.
- Touch Screen visual display
- VPF (Variable Primary Flow) system
- Set-up for remote connectivity with ModBus/Echelon protocol cards
- Several devices for condensation´s control