Climaveneta > Commercial and industrial chillers
FOCS2-W 1301 – 9604
High efficiency water cooled chiller Cooling capacity 306 – 2416 kW

- CA – High efficiency version
- CA-E – Premium efficiency version: Class A enhanced
- – – Basic function
- D – Partial condensing heat recovery function
- R – Total condensing heat recovery function
The version ´CA-E´ is characterized by efficiency beyond the ´Class A´ for Eurovent. The technological choices adopted assure the minimization of operating costs and therefore a quick payback time. - ADAPTABILITY
Adaptability at the building’s cooling request thanks to the continuous capacity regulation, assured by sophisticated control’s logic. - SILENT OPERATION
Extremely silent operation thanks to the accurate unit’s design. Optional integral acoustic enclosure, reduces more the sound level beyond the best on market
- Integral acoustical enclosure (type base or plus)
- VPF (Variable Primary Flow) system
- Set-up for remote connectivity with ModBus/Echelon protocol cards
- W3000TE
The brand new W3000TE controller offers advanced functions and algorithms. The large format keyboard and the wide LCD display favour an easy and safe access to the machine setup and a complete view of unit’s staus. The assessment and intervention on the unit is managed through a multi-level menu, with selectable user’s language. The led icons immediately show the operating status of the circuits, as well as of the fans and of the water pumps (if present). An optional extra is the touch screen interface: 7.0” WVGA colour display with adjustable LED backlight and front USB port. The touch screen technology allows intuitive navigation between the various screens, safe access to the data with a three-level password protection as well as the graphic display of the performance of some monitored measurements. The diagnostics comprises a complete alarm management system, with “black box” (via PC) and alarm log functions (via display or also PC) for a better analysis of the unit performance. For the systems made of several units, the adjustment of the resources is performed by optional proprietary devices. Consumption metering and performance measurement are possible as well. Supervision can be easily developed via proprietary devices or the integration in third party systems by means of the most common protocols as ModBus, Bacnet-over-IP, Echelon LonWorks, Bacnet MS/TP protocols. Compatibility with the remote keyboard managing up to 8 units. The presence of the programmable timer allows the creation of an operating profile containing up to 4 typical days and 10 time bands. The control is characterized by the continuous modulation of the unit capacity, based on PID algorithms and referring to the water delivery temperature. Optionally (VPF package), capacity modulation can be integrated with hydraulic flow modulation, thanks to inverter-driven pumps and to specific resources for the hydraulic circuit.